Hi, friends! September, 18th we had the big Christian concert in our city. This year in Russia we call Year of family. And the concert spoke people about that how to construct reliable amicable family through Christ. It was wonderful time. Much Christian singers and chorus sang beautiful songs. People could hear the gospel! It is the most important! We to have 3 new persons in our group which want to study Bible after concert. Other churches have new people too!!! Thank God!!! Continue to pray about our ministry here!
воскресенье, 21 сентября 2008 г.
"What am I? Well, here is what I am. I am the worst sinner I know. And by the grace of God I am doing better than I deserve. For I deserve the righteous wrath of God because of my sin. I deserve to be punished eternally. But in the mystery of His mercy, God sacrificed and crushed His Son on the Cross--as my substitute--so that I might be forgiven of my sin and know God as my Father rather than my Judge. What am I? I am truly amazed by the grace of God. That's what I am."~ C.J. Mahaney
Sunday school. This Sunday we to begin ours Sunday school. Our new believer Vika will be the teacher this year. She has talent to work with children and kind heart which wishes to serve for the Gods glory! We have prepared our room for Sunday school for a class.
среда, 10 сентября 2008 г.
Dear brothers and sisters! We ask you to pray for our ministry to the Far East Russia. «With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel…" Eph. 6:18-19 1. Following a week September 18th in our city will the big Christian concert.Please pray, that the government our city to open their hearts to cooperation and to not interfere in carrying out of a concert.Also that it is a lot of people which not know the God could to come on this concert and to hear the gospel. 2. In the begun October Nika will organize regional Christian conference for women .Please pray, that the God to give her a wisdom and Holy Spirit to change a life many women through this conference. 3. In connection with event in Georgia and South Ossetia the government has changed attitudes to Christians. The main religion Russia - Orthodoxy. Many Christians Protestants cannot spend public a meeting and cannot openly preach the Gospel.Please pray, that the government has changed the attitude and has opened a door for the sermon of the Gospel. 4. Pray, that the God has given new work (jab) for Zhenya that he had more time for our ministry in Birobidzhan. Time for personal preparation a pray and reading the Bible, also for a meeting with people for the Bible studying. That the God has filled our financial need. 5. Pray for greater Christmas meeting that much our friends have come to our house and to learn about love the God who was given His son for them. 6. Pray, that the God has given us a building for church. Your in Christ Zhenya and Nika Aksutin
We to invite all our friends at summer Christian camp. It is a good opportunity to tell the gospel. Our friends can get acquainted with many Christians and see love the Christ through their life.
We meet with students at our house. Russian people to like to meet together and our house is opened for all wishes to hear the Gospel. We are glad, that we have honour to serve the God to glory!
I have ladies group, we to do hand made cards, scrapbook, quilt and crosstitch. Every Saturday we have craft club for ladyes. It very not usual and new to Russian culture. And many people want do this.
We began the ministry in our city 2 years ago. We organize English club for students. When we to construct friendship with students we to invite them to uor home for the Bible studying.
Hi everyone! We are Russian. We are missionary to the Far East Russia. We live in city Birobidzhan, it is the Jewish region in Russia. A lot of Jews live here. They have synagogues and to celebrate religious holidays. But many of them do not know the Christ. We have 2 daughters. Polina is 8 years and Liliya is 2 years. We organize many clubs to construct attitudes friendship and to speak them about the Christ. It is good opportunity to testify about our God and His love!